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Anderselite acquire Project EMC

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author: James Kenealey

​Anderselite are very pleased to announce the acquisition of Project EMC, a specialist rail recruitment business based in Fleet, Hampshire. As part of this transaction Colin Edge, Managing Director of Project EMC, has joined Anderselite as our Director of Rail leading a team of specialist recruiters across our seven UK locations. 

Simon Trippick CEO at Anderselite said “we are really pleased to have someone of Colin’s experience and expertise heading up our rail division. This is an exciting time to be involved in the rail industry and this is an area of our business where we see a lot of potential and we are committed to investing in its growth. It is great to welcome Colin and the rest of the project EMC staff to the business.” 

Colin Edge said “I am proud to be working with the Anderselite team – the new combined Rail business will offer a greater range of services to our Clients. Anderselite have built a great reputation in the Rail sector with an excellent safety record and I plan to build on their history with a fantastic recruitment offering to the industry”

The rail team at Anderselite can be reached at:  

Colin Edge, Director of Rail; 07771 640080
Nick Ruman, Head of Safety Critical; 07920 427006